V Simpósio Internacional Edith Stein

V Simpósio Internacional Edith Stein
University of Brasilia (UnB), August 28-30, 2019

The Edith Stein International Symposiums have been consolidating. Given the growing interest in the phenomenology developed by Edith Stein from various fields of knowledge in Brazil and around the world, the “Edith Stein International Symposiums” seek to deepen the debate on the Steinian thought, as well as to establish the exchange between the various universities.

Brazilians and foreigners who have been engaged in research on Edith Stein. The interdisciplinary character of the event meets the aspirations of different areas that dialogue with philosophy, such as psychology and theology, for the need to deepen the Steinian perspectives.

The activities will be developed through conferences and short courses taught by PhD teachers, experts in Steinian thought. The most relevant production of the event will be published in printed book format.

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