Season's Greetings 2012

Dear All,
As the year draws to a close we would like to send out a reminder that the deadline for the Call for Papers for the Conference at King's University College at Western University, London, Ontario is 1st February 2013.
From the 1st-2nd March there will be a research seminar on Stein’sPhilosophy of Psychology and the Humanities,which will be held in conjunction with a postgraduate conference profiling work on Stein (with international invited speakers). This conference will be organised under the auspices of SWIP (Society for Women in Philosophy, Ireland). Venue: Newman House.
Prof. Nicholas de Warren, the director of the Husserl Archives in Leuven, has asked that the Stein Reseach Group which is organising the above seminar in Newman House to co-organise with the Archives a seminar on Stein'sPhilosophy of Psychology and the Humanitiesand the new edition ofIdeas IIin the Spring of 2014.
The final stages of editing is currently occuring on the papers from the inaugural IASPES conference.
We very much look forward to meeting up again in London, Ontario in 2013.
Finally, best wishes to you all for the holiday season. May it be a Happy Christmas, and all good wishes for the New Year.